How does LinkedIn recommendations play a crucial role while job-hunting?
LinkedIn is a networking site, because in the form of a recommendation or endorsement, who you are connected to matters and what they think about you matters even more, particularly when it comes from your employer, former boss, or other professionals in the field. The irony is that LinkedIn is as much a platform for job seekers as it is for employers because it has given them an inner view of the professionalism and credibility of each candidate..
Practical expanded job offer means that by follow-up of references, as well as a summary of the recommendations and endorsements seen on LinkedIn, the applicant has pried into the job history of the candidate. Together, these endorsements and recommendations will help close the deal with interviews and work opportunities for managers because they have been offered additional insight that can mitigate the perceived challenges of pursuing you for the job.
You do not see the recommendations on your LinkedIn profile as an extra portion to comply with. It’s a segment that must be done as a job applicant. Note that when you apply for a job through LinkedIn, part of the details employers see is the amount of recommendations you have. If your data reveals “0” recommendations, it does not leave you in the favourable form to impress them.
Who to get Recommendations from?
When it comes to employers checking references, go over the relationships and concentrate on the contacts that will matter. That usually means your new boss, previous boss(es), peers in the same area, and customers. Consider which relationships are good where you realise that they will be able and ready to give you a recommendation.
When to ask for a Recommendation?
When you ask for a recommendation after you have finished a project successfully or around awards, things are more in your favour. That’s when there might be more for your connections to consider and say about you. In all cases, make sure the contact is reminded of precise dates and specifics of a project so that when making the recommendation, there is something they can focus on.
How to ask for a Recommendation?
When you make such a request, it’s always best to come away personable. Ask about it in person or on the telephone where possible. This offers you the chance to exchange more insight and explore your career quest where you can prompt your contact to reflect on the areas of interest. Of course, you do not want to hint at work hunting if you’re working and ask for a recommendation from your new employer, so concentrate on finishing a recent assignment.
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