What should you share on LinkedIn to boost professional brand?
Every day, employers use social networking sites, especially LinkedIn, to screen job applicants. Therefore, it has become a necessity to have a perfect online presence, a perfect LinkedIn profile. They often use the platform to post vacancies and connect with job applicants directly. LinkedIn and resume writers believe, when job hunting, how you present yourself online matters greatly. Regardless of whether or not you have focused on creating a professional brand name, as they see your LinkedIn profile, an expectation is left with employers.
To further build up your professional brand, here are things you can share on LinkedIn:
Share news from the industry that is relevant to your career
To help you and other practitioners in the space perform well while on the job, keeping on top of business news relevant to your career is important. It gives the feeling that you are at the top of your game and know what’s going in your business and career when you post important industry news from reputable news sources or industry conferences on LinkedIn. It may be as easy as posting news articles that you find in a newspaper in the business or a screenshot or video of a meeting that you attended.
Post your own articles
You are introducing yourself to a highly-professional network when you share your own published job on LinkedIn. Not only will all the individuals you’re connected to getting note about an article you’ve written, but that can also help keep you in front of other business practitioners. Others can post your blog, which then notifies the contacts of that person, or it can be identified via a subject search. You are free to publish your own original content on LinkedIn, or you can repurpose content you have written somewhere already. This is your chance to participate more with your field with the professional group, so work to have relevant information. They will finally tune you out if you’re sharing so much material that’s useless to people.
Share professional achievements
If the chance arises, post your professional milestones as they appear on LinkedIn. It also helps to grow a personal brand for the field and career in which you are. That can be something from an achievement you earned at college, qualification after attending further training, or some other acknowledgment that can help strengthen the argument in your area of work that you are a valued professional.
Participate and establish discussion
Other individuals share LinkedIn communities and article articles are perfect outlets for putting your name and face out there. Anyone who is a follower of the group or person would get the chance to see what you have written when you contribute by offering input or comments. It’s one of the best ways to be noticed in your field by others, so what you need to do is get into an industry influencer ‘s circle. There would be many followers for influencers in an industry, so it’s your gateway to get noticed, especially if you give insightful comments that add value to the original material.
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